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To Forest Bathe or Not To Forest Bathe:
Time To Discover Pacific Spirit Regional Park

By Jayne Seagrave


Despite living within five kilometres of the UBC Campus since 2004, I never really discovered Pacific Spirit Regional Park until Covid instructed the population to keep a distance. During these bleak, long days, I was one of the few walking the wide Salish Trail, nodding to the few others I passed as we both tried to get as far away as possible from the each other, yet, at the same time, recognizing that unlike many other more orthodox members of the population, we could not cope with being locked in every day. My forced introduction to Pacific Spirit led to a deep affection which remains today. Now I enjoy the park at least once week, often more frequently.

Established in 1989, Pacific Spirit Regional Park is part of Metropolitan Vancouvers Park System and exists in the heart of Canada’s third largest urban area. It covers over 874 hectares (2160 acres) over-looking The Georgia Straight and includes over 73 kilometres of trails, of which over 50 are multi-use and are open to walkers, runners, cyclists and horses. On many weekdays during the winter months I can visit and feel the park is totally mine, encountering less than ten other souls in a two hour visit. In sharp contrast, warm spring weekend days attract a multitude of visitors, but despite this, the park never feels crowded.

As I use Pacific Spirit frequently I now recognise a number of “regulars”. It has become a little like my local coffee bar, or exercise class, familiar, warm and welcoming.  The characters I often encounter include a couple in their eighties with walking poles who always nod to me, but do not smile nor make eye contact; the single man who wears the same dark blue rain jacket, whatever the season, who walks fast and with purpose, but who I only encounter in the early morning and on Salish Trail and who I have known since Covid. We never chat and after we pass I daydream about who he is (where does he live, what work did he do, does he walk every day?); the kindergarten children out with their teachers digging holes in the undergrowth with sticks, each one adorned in brightly coloured all-in-one rain gear and boots; the power walking, LuluLemon wearing, gossiping women, carrying Starbucks coffee cups, no doubt complaining to each other of their spouses, intent in each others company and totally oblivious it seems to anyone else around; the dog walkers wearing luminous identifying vests, coping, often unsuccessfully, with an eclectic collection of six animals of various sizes, running in different directions and ignoring the trails but attracted to the puddles. All the park users adding to my enjoyment of the space and creating subjects for my recreational walking daydreams. Since Covid I have watched as the trails have been improved to accommodate the new patrons and who, like me I believe, now regard a visit as an integral part of their weekly activity.

There is a considerable amount of research suggesting both the mental and physical health benefits of “getting out there”. These include: a boost to the immune system; a lowering of blood pressure; a decrease in stress and anxiety; the improvement of mood, and self esteem; and an increase in energy levels, to name but a few. Recently the term Forest Bathing has been added to our lexicon, and occasionally Pacific Spirit Park advertises classes on this subject.

The notion of Forest Bathing comes from a Japanese practice known as “Shinrin yoku” and was developed in the 1980s when it was thought living in the modern world was leading to an increase in depression. Simply put, it is the method of being calm and quiet amongst trees, observing nature while at the same time paying attention to one’s breathing. This practice is said to promote mental and physical health by absorbing the atmosphere of the forest.

While cognisant of this research, and identifying with the findings, I question whether my fellow patrons are thinking about this when they enter the park. I must admit my attraction to the outdoors is somewhat more selfish and practical. As the Pacific Spirit trails are well maintained and consist of groomed paths of gravel and broad walks, I can walk in whatever weather knowing I won’t be slipping in mud or loosing a boot. I can easily find parking, washrooms are available and I feel totally safe by myself. I know of a number of women and men who regularly meet friends in the park for exercise and a verbal catch-up. The Westbrook Mall is an ideal destination to break the walk and have coffee. I now know all the trails, the whereabouts of the red headed woodpeckers, location of the bull frogs, as well as the number of steps and the time it will take me from my start at Marine Drive to Westbrook Mall and back. If I am Forest Bathing I am not aware I’m doing so, and it certainly is not taking any conscious effort. I do know my time in the environment is an enjoyable experience.

As I get older and find some activities prohibitive, or that my time is short, and the west coast rain annoyingly persistent. Walking Pacific Spirit Regional Park remains a constant. I, and a number of others, have found there is no excuse not to.



Jayne Seagrave is a BC Best selling Author. The ninth edition of her book Camping British Columbia, the Rockies and the Yukon was published by Heritage House in April 2023. Over 60,000 of her camping books have been sold. She also writes fiction, non-fiction, freelance articles and occasionally teaches writing and publishing.