Non-Fiction Writer

Introduction to Policing in Canada
In her early academic career, and following the completion of her Ph.D, Jayne wrote the first Canadian textbook on policing: Introduction to Policing in Canada (1997, Toronto: Pearson Canada). This book, which was available for over twenty-five years, is now out of print. She has also published extensively in many academic publications including: The Canadian Journal of Criminology; The American Police Journal; The RCMP Gazette and; Policing and Society.

From the Mind to the Marketplace: The Story of an Inventor, The Home Improvement Industry, His Wife and Her Lovers
In 1995, after a number of requests to provide information about marketing a new invention, she wrote a book entitled: From the Mind to the Marketplace: The Story of an Inventor, The Home Improvement Industry, His Wife and Her Lovers. This personal story provides a step by step guide on how a small company was able to market and successfully sell a new product internationally. Following its publication Jayne was asked to speak at numerous international forums, conferences, and conventions.
“Jayne Seagrave’s presentation on From the Mind to The Marketplace was fantastic. Her enthusiasm and easy-going approach to enlightening entrepreneurs at every stage of small business was refreshing…Jayne’s determination, success and infectious attitude left us all imploring for more.”
Kelvin Saldern,
Executive Director Kootenay Association of Science and Technology, British Columbia

All the Worlds A Stage: The Story of Vancouver’s Bard on the Beach
In this full colour, coffee table book, Jayne goes behind the scenes to discover what makes an internationally recognised theatre company tick. Insightfully the story of Bard on the Beach unfolds in five “acts” highlighting the people, history, growth, and future of this unique theatre company. It features dozens of full-colour photographs of sumptuous sets, elaborate costumes, tireless volunteers, actors in mid-soliloquy, and more. Today it is undoubtedly one of the most successful theatre companies in the country. The text provides an informative and entertaining account of a unique business’s growth and development.
“This narrative is deeply influenced by Jayne’s love of Bard. She has written with care, respect, and appreciation of what The Company has created, and what this has meant to her personally.”
Jim Bovard – Chair, Bard on the Beach Theatre Society